Saturday, May 7, 2022

Review: The Gilded Cage ~ Lynette Noni

Click on this image to learn more about this book on Goodreads
Format I Used: Combination Audiobook/Ebook
Pages: 448
Running Time: 16h:3m
My Rating: 4.5 stars
Publication Date: October 17, 2021

*deeeeeeeep breath in*

*deeeeeeeep breath out*

The most random spoilers abound, so please read on with the utmost caution

I had a feeling that Zuleeka was a bleepity bleep and couldn't be trusted, and I was right. I was always suspicious of her, but was EXTRA suspicious when we find out that SHE KNEW that they could have gotten Kiva out of Zalindov without any issues. AND THEN I was suspicious of Mirry, when she conveniently forgot to tell everyone that Kiva was with her when the book went missing (I mean, it still was Kiva's fault, because she couldn't keep her stupid mouth shut... but that's besides the point)

This story took me literally forever to read. It was good though. I enjoyed most parts about it, but man was Kiva frustrating. I mean, maybe it makes sense because she spent so long locked away, and missing her family, so of course she wanted to cling to what they believed in. But not once did Jaren  EVER give Kiva reason to believe that he and his family were horrible people. But she kept.. betraying his trust over and over again and I wanted to weep. Am I being a bit over dramatic? Yes. But was I also extremely frustrated? YES.

It felt like this book moved a lot slower for me (although I thought the same thing about book 1) It wasn't until the last 25 ish percent that I was like. MMM, okaaaay, let's doooo this.

Caldon--We love Caldon. Like, super love him and his overprotective and flirty personality. Is he a hard ass when he's training someone? Yes. But did he take the time out of his life to plan a nice day on the town for Kiva when Jaren asked him to keep an eye on her? Yes (even though Kiva had to go and ruin it, but whatever.) We just love him SO MUCH. He also spent a lot of time

Tor--We also love him. I wasn't sure at first, but the more I read about him, the more I liked him.

Zuleeka-- *Insert wretching noise* Okay, so my reaction to her isn't as violent as literally anytime someone mentions the name---blehh-- MAHITO--BLLLEEEHHH but I hate her.

Tipp-- Is still precious, and still needs to be protected by all means necessary.

I'm curious to see what's going to happen when the next book comes out. Because Kiva's gotten herself into some deep doo doo again, (especially since Jaren got stabbed with the anti magic knife and is possibly livid AND magic-less)

So yikes.

But also, the majority of my highlights from this book have to do with Caldon, so do with that information what you will.


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