Tuesday, December 28, 2021

Review: Nina The Starry Bride ~ Rikachi


Gorgeous pictures all from GoodReads, Click on the cover to see more about the series

Format: E-book
Pages: 174 pages each
My Rating: 5 Thousand Beautiful Starry Stars
Publication Date: April-June 2021



My oh my.

The cover and the artwork throughout the series (thus far) is absolutely beautiful. Just look at it. I have hearts in my eyes looking at the covers of these books.

I already read books 1 and 2 earlier this year, and I was trying to wait to read the rest of the available volumes if my library bought them, because I'm trying to be a responsible adult and save money.


I was in the midst of a bad mental health day a few days ago, and decided ehhhh Imma do what I want right now, and what I want is to buy the books that I can't stop thinking about. (Which is my way of coping, and I guess it could be worse.)

And guess what?

These books like, soothed my soul. (I also read these right after reading all 16 volumes of Demon Prince of Momochi House, which also helped to soothe my soul...But I had those from my library, so it's FINE) I was up until a little after 2 in the morning reading #AllTheManga. And then the very next day, I re-read all of Nina because I enjoyed it so much. It had my head spinning thinking about what could possibly happen next, especially since book 5 ended in a cliffhanger, and I have no idea when book 6 is going to release in English.

And now's where we're at the part where I remind you that my reviews get spoilery and ramble-y so you should be careful reading anything past this point.

I am literally so in love with this series, it isn't even funny. I really liked seeing how much Nina grew as a character and how determined she was even when things were scary as all-get-out. Yeah, she didn't actually have all that much choice in the matter, because a lot of times it was "deal with it or die" but she has so much determination and she's such a strong character no matter what gets thrown at her.

I've also got a conundrum... Like, I'm always falling for Mr. Tall Dark, and Handsome. Which I did. But there's also Mr. Tall, Blonde, and extra Morally Grey. And even though I didn't want to like him at first, he's proven that he's not as merciless and horrible as he first appeared to be. He's also got a lot of depth and layers, and my heart is just as confused as Nina's.

I'm real concerned about what's going to happen in book 6, especially because of where book 5 left off. Is Sett going to kill Az (No, I don't really think that's going to happen, I think Nina will intervene) but what's going to happen to Sett and Nina? Especially because of the person who was like TheY DoN't HaVE ChilDhooD NameS in ForTna. (although I knew that was going to be problematic when Nina was musing about it shortly after she lied to Sett about her name) How is this going to be played off? Will she tell him the truth? Something else? Will she or they be imprisoned? Is the Real Alisha somehow still alive (because Nina fell in a carriage and was basically fine)

I can't stop thinking about it, and now I'll be stalking GoodReads and Kodansha's website until an English release date is announced.

Did It Make Me Cry?: Yes. It did. And it gave me happy fluttery butterflies, so that's also a plus

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