Wednesday, January 5, 2022

Kait's Least Favorite Books of 2021

Started off with the good, now you get to see the books that I, personally, wasn't fond of, and a short reason why.

To be clear, I'm not saying these books are bad and that you shouldn't read them, they just weren't my personal favorites for some reason or another. Lots of other people adore these books and that's great! So you should at least give them a try and come to your own conclusion.

I didn't like how scarily dependent Dylan & Addie were on each. There were so many toxic relationships happening, and always walking on eggshells...Yikes.



I felt like this book was a series of one bad decision after another. Please don't even get me started. Go read my review about it instead.

I went into this one expecting way too much and hoping for things that were never promised. So me not liking it, is probably mostly my fault more than anything else. The Main Character was very wishy washy with her feelings, and even though it was the last book in the series, there were things left undone.

This one had a twist that I didn't see coming, and it felt like a betrayal. I probably should have broken my "don't read reviews before I read the book" rule. BUT HOW WAS I SUPPOSED TO KNOW.  And it left me upset that I invested so much time into it. I won't say anything else to spoilery (I know, that's a shock) but I was cranky when I finished it.

This had a lot of sad and heavy topics all thrown together (that's NOT why I didn't like it, just a warning) It was a little overwhelming to be honest. The part I didn't like though, was the fact that even though her Love Interest seemed like an okay person overall, some of the things that he did and said were pretty Gaslighter-y.


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