Thursday, June 9, 2022

Review: House Of Sky And Breath ~ Sarah J. Maas

Image from Goodreads. Click on the image to learn more about this book.

Format I Used: Audiobook & E-book & Physical Book
Pages: 805
Running Time: 27h:42m
My Rating: 5 stars
Publication Date: February 15, 2022

I. Am. Deceased.

This is ghostie Kait coming at you with a review for the book that was like, eh he he, you think you know all the plot twists that are going to happen in this book? NAH THINK AGAIN SUCKER! I'm not surprised that is sucker punched me in the face because, let's face it, that's what SJM does the bestest.

Suffice it to say there WILL BE SPOILERS (because when do I not do spoilers?) so stop reading my random, rambly, and disjointed review RIGHT NOW IF YOU DON'T WANT TO KNOW WHAT'S HAPPENING!

Let me preface this by saying it took me a zillion years to read this book. I started it the day it came out, and it felt like it was moving so slow and so I put it down (which is the exact same thing that I did with House Of Earth And Blood. The only reason I finally made it through is because it was in the smack dab middle of quarantine, and while my work was closed to the public I was helping put RFID tags on a bunch of things so there was a LOT OF TIME for me to listen)

So I wasn't surprised when the same kind of thing happened with this one. This series is a slow burn series for me, with random bursts of lots of things happening all at once. That mixed with the fact that there are about a zillion and five characters in this series left me a very much confused person. I was kind of just along for the ride, not trying to guess anything that was going to happen. And let me tell you, it was a wild ride.

There were four...maybe five plot twists that took me by surprise:

1. That Cormac was Rebel Agent Silverbow. (and then he had the audacity to go and die, which, I still do not believe 100% I think he's gonna show back up. Because that's something that sneaky Sarah J. Maas would do to us.)

2. That Lidia Cervos is Secret Rebel Agent Daybright.

3. That Danika had a secret mate. And that mate happened to be Baxian. Like whaaaaaaaat. I know that he was doing things throughout this book that was actually quite helpful and he was getting blocked at every turn by Bryce and Co. But that's because he was literally such a horrible being. I'm still not 100% sure if I actually like him or not. Hopefully we get more of him in the next book that will make me change my mind.

4. That we're ACTUALLY GETTING A *bad word redacted* crossover. When I read this right here:

The male stepped forward, tucking in his wings. He smiled slightly and said in the Old Language, in a voice like glorious night, “Hello, Bryce Quinlan. My name is Rhysand.”

I literally got cold chills, and I was bouncing up and down, because FINALLY. It's something that everyone's always wanted, and there have been glimpses of possible crossovers thrown around, but I never expected it to actually HAPPEN.

And before you go and make fun of me or whatever, I meant it when I said I went into this book with NO EXPECTATIONS, I wasn't trying to guess ahead at what was going to happen for a change, I didn't try to come up with theories while I was reading it, I didn't read any reviews prior to picking it back up. NOTHING.

I loved the way things all started coming together as the book progressed.

I was pretty annoyed because the people that Bryce considered to be great friends (i.e. Fury, Juniper, Danika) actually seemed like pretty crappy friends) Like, are they really your friends? I don't know. Maybe things will be better in the next book? And don't get me wrong. Bryce did some pretty dumb sh** too. For example: When she used her princess title to pull strings for Juniper... How did she NOT know that was going to blow up in her face and make Juniper mad? I know her heart was in the right place, but still...

I'm not quite sure how that whole Mate thing between Hunt and Bryce worked. Because one second they weren't, and then the next second they were after they just decided that they were? Or was it because they did the deed? uhhhh, idontknow, but I think I should re-read that section, especially because Ithan was convinced that he and Bryce were mates when he first met her.

And then there's the whole discovery of different worlds and how and why the big bad scary people are

I think that's all my rambling thoughts for the moment. I'm sure I've forgotten something somewhere, because there is just SO MUCH that happened. So I'll probably come back for random updates in this review as I think about them.

Also, please enjoy this snippet (if it works correctly) of me laying across this chair because that's how dramatic I felt about the whole thing.

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