Ask the FanGirl
In which I answer all the questions below (I found this #AskTheFanGirl on Pinterest and thought it would be fun to do)
1. First Person I ever obsessed over? Hmm, well if we're going with fictional characters, I'd have to say Darien/Mamoru/Tuxedo Mask from Sailor Moon {I was just a bit in love with that show when I was younger, and even now when I'm all growed up, there's still something about my beloved Tuxedo Mask that makes me go SWOON} But if we're going with real people, I'd say it was Nick Carter {Yes, I was a BSB girl. And I still am, thankyouverymuch}
2. Current Obsession? Obsession? As in singular? I have way too many for that. Well, there's Once Upon A Time {even though it's starting to get a bit weird}
3. Favorite Band? Hmm, I like 5 Seconds of Summer... I mean, I'm not obsessed with them {Don't hate me for that please} but they're pretty cool.
4. Favorite Singer? I looove Dalton Rapattoni. And Keith Urban... And Adam Lambert.
5. Favorite YouTuber? Oh, DanIsNotOnFire hands down, without a doubt, most definitely, and any other affirmation I can give you. Because one second he's like:
7. Favorite Movie? I don't really have just one movie that I would call my favorite. I like lots of them, especially if they're Hallmark Movies
8. Favorite Actor/Actress? Colin O'Donoghue is my favorite actor and Emma Watson is my favorite actress
9. First celebrity crush? Yeah, that's going to be Nick Carter again
10. Ever got made fun of for what I like? Nope.
11.Favorite book? HA. HA HA AHAHA, there's no way I can pick just one. But I'll try, let me think *INSERT THINKING MUSIC HERE* Okay, well, with much deliberation, the one book out of all of my favorites that I am going to share with you is:

13. Favorite Fictional Character..., Hmmm. HMMMMM.... HmMMmMmMMMmmmMMmmm... Well, I am going to have to say it's a tie between Aaron Warner from the Shatter Me series by Tahereh Mafi AND Captain Hook from Once Upon A Time. Because they are BAE.
14. Something I love about the fandom that I'm in? Well, I love that I'm able to fangirl and get completely dorky when I talk to people who like the same things that I do, and they totally get it. They fangirl (or fanboy) with me. No judgements.
15. Something I hate about the fandom that I am in? Well, this is just about fandoms in general I guess. I hate that people get so defensive and all "My fandom is better than yours and if you disagree you are a terrible person" All fandoms are spectacular. Can't we all just get along?
16. Would I ever take a bullet for the people I fangirl over? I have no clue. That's more like one of those split second decisions.
17. Do I ever hide the fact that I like somone/something out of fear of getting teased? Pshhh, no. I don't care what people think about what I like.
18. Have I ever met any of my idols? Sadly, no.
19. Do I have any merch of the people I fangirl over? Oh yes.
20. Favorite fangirl moment? All of them